Friday, December 2, 2011

How do I get rid of razor burn in my armpits?

I need a quick fix for razor burn that doesn't require changing deodorants or buying any expensive products. Does anybody know any?|||-A anti-itch cream, also if you want to get them to go away faster avoid using deodorant till it clears up...because deodorant can irritate it more.

-Scrub the area with a sponge or loofah in the shower, it will get rid of extra skin and make it less likely to clog hair follicles.

-If you use body lotion, put it there too. Skin is skin and needs to be moisturized.

-Try and use a deodorant with some kind of lotion or skin creme in it. Dove and Secret both make a product like this.

I also heard that visine would be good and help it go away faster, take a look at the best answer:;鈥?/a>

I also found this in Y! answers as a best answer, might help you to:

Shaving in cooler water doesn't open the pores as wide helps prevent razer burn. Use a new razor every time you shave, use a good shaving creme if the skin is sensitive there, try an electric razor and they recommended using an unscented deodorant after drying the skin, this is also useful in the bikini area.

Hope something helps!

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