Saturday, November 19, 2011

How can I prevent razor burn around my bikini line?

I want a smooth skin area around my bikini line, but seem to get the worst razor burn about a day after shaving. Any suggestions? I've thought about using Nair or something similiar, but I don't know where to start.|||i would recommend getting a wax and then using a bikini line cream afterward. i never get red bumps when i get a wax. it definitley hurts more but it is more effective and last longer.|||Try rubbing a little hydrogen peroxide on the area to clean it before you shave and afterwards try hydrocortisone cream to prevent the razor burn. Also, exfoliating that area will keep ingrowns from happening.|||Bikini Zone has a line of products specifically for that area. Their shaving products help reduce razor burn and after shaving products relieve burn, irritation and bumps within a day.|||wax|||I would wax it. From experience nair is not that good , maybe worse than shaving and it smells terriable. You can wax yourself at home and then use an after wax cream that would come with the kit or seperate. Always works for me !|||i have the same problem!

nair basically does the same thing..i just put lotion on mine!

but be carefull with what kind of lotion! baby lotion is the best!

ohh...and the way you shave effects razor burn too!!

if you shave with the hair and then afterward away from it!! :D|||Let me carefully take care of that area for you.

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