Saturday, November 19, 2011

What razor to use when shaving male pubic hair?

What razor should I use when shaving pubic hair? I read online that female razors is the best way to go, and to not use an electric razor. The only problem is that I do not own a female razor, and I would feel pretty weird if I went up to a local store and purchased a female razor. Any advice?|||you can use anything|||You should not be shaving your crotch if you're too embarrassed to buy razors that have 'female' stamped on it.

If you do change your mind..Venus razors are excellent...and you can always try to go to a website and get a free one sent to you..some of them do promotional samples. You can use an electric razor or hair clippers to trim it down as low as you can...and always shave down first, then up.

Cheap way to go: Daisy razors-one time use.

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